Monday, October 5, 2009

Early run this morning!
Yesterday we won our first game. we are now 1-1-1. 4 pts after 3 games is less than we want but its a step in the right direction. I finally bought a new camera today which im excited about. I went to the Bancaja Cultural Center today because they have an exhibit by JoaquĆ­n Sorolla. His work was in the Prada Museum in Madrid for a while and was very succesful so now, dead for almost a century, he's on tour. But not too say he wasn't recognized in his time. He won multiple awards at the World Fair in Paris. I was really impressed though. All of his work is oil paintings and he differs from many not only in his intricate detail and realistic portrayls but also by the size of his masterpieces. His most famous works are about 10x20 yrds. With the amount of detail and size I was suprised at how prolific he was.

I thought that there was some guy at the counter adding a number everytime someone walked in but it was cool. When somebody entered there was some kind of screen on the floor that would beep and then the number on the sign would go up. Entrance was free too which was really cool. The government supports the arts out here like crazy so even though nobody can find a job they can always find a free art exhibition.
I bought this poster because it was his painting of Valencia. And the actual one is a lot more impressive than this picture. I was interested though because it was obvious he portrayed his perspective of all the different cities in his paintings and compared with his others I saw Valencia shown as very proud with bright colors.
Sevilla did not make a good impression on him. It just involved the Easter celebrations which sounds harmless but if you look up pictures of easter in Spain you'll know what I'm talking about. Ill provide one.

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