Wednesday, August 5, 2009

just got back from soccer- its 10:49 here- and am eating a delicious ham and cheese sandwhich. today, i hung out most of the day. did all my laundry. i went to the beach for a while to find a place to use my internet and hang out but ended up hangin out with this argentinian guy and this other guy that lived in the puerto rico and the US for a while. they were really cool and im gonna go hang out with them tomorrow at the beach. i couldnt today cuz i had to figure out how i was gonna get to my tryout. anyways that was fun today. then for the tryout. geez these guys were annoying. the coach would call a foul when we were playing everytime this one guy would fall down. i was getting so annoyed. we both went up in the air and he just fell and started whining. i decided to give him a real foul. it was worth it. coach said to me and the other c mid after the practice that we were both good enough for the team but he had already signed 5 c mids. im thinking you could have mentioned that earlier and saved a lot of time. well the other good just takes it. hes like oh i know i know, thank you, and then just walks away. the coach had said earlier that he was just looking for forwards. so i made up a nice little story that sounded even better in broken spanish saying how ive played forward all my life and am actually better at it then c mid but i just prefer c mid cuz its more fun. sooooooooo tomorrow im going back to try out as a forward. well that was pretty much my day. im gonna eat my sandwhich and go to bed. have a good rest of the day everybody!


  1. Good work bud! have fun with it and go get that spot! sounds like a good sandwich too! glad to hear everything seems to be working out for you out there. keep it up.

  2. Way to stick it to the man Mike. Haha and ya Michael ham????
